
UpenderJit Kaur 博士简历

  UpenderJit Kaur博士生于1939年10月28日,是旁遮普邦教育厅厅长。她不仅获得经济学,旁遮普语以及印地语的硕士学位,还曾就读于澳大利亚悉尼大学并获得经济学和Mec双料博士。鉴于她对社会的贡献,1997年、2002年、2007年她被连续三届选为旁遮普立法成员。1997至2002年 期间,UpenderJit Kaur担任旁遮普邦的政府内阁大臣,致力技术教育,工业指导,文化传播,旅游业,房产和农村的发展等。同时,她也是Vidhan Sabha 多个重要委员会的成员,如政府账目委员会,评估委员会以及公共事业执行委员会。

  在此之前,UpenderJit Kaur博士曾在旁遮普大学任职教授,也曾在澳大利亚悉尼大学教授经济学。作为一名经济学教授,她曾担任过26个博士生和副博士导师。作为一名作家,她也曾出过不少关于经济学和锡克教派的书。


  UpenderJit Kaur博士现为旁遮普政府内阁大臣,致力教育,民航,治安和司法领域。

Profile of Dr. UpenderJit Kaur
Minister of Education, Punjab (India)

Dr.Upenderjit Kaur honorable education minister government of Punjab was born on 28th October 1939. She has master's degree in economics, Punjabi and Hindi. She has also completed her doctorate in economics and Mec from Sydney University of Australia. As recognition to her social service, she was elected to Punjab legislative assembly in 1997, 2002 and 2007consecutively. She served as Cabinet minister in government of Punjab from 1997to 2002and held the portfolios of technical education and industrial training, cultural affairs and tourism, housing and urban development. She also remained member of various important Vidhan Sabha committees such as Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committees and Public Undertakings Committee.

Prior to joining public service she was teaching economics in Punjabi University Patiala as a professor. She also taught economics at Sydney University Australia. As a professor of economics she guided 26 students for their PhD and M.Phil degrees in economics.

As an author she has written many books on economics and Sikh religion.

She has been awarded with many awards in recognition of her valuable services. In pursuance of her quest for her knowledge she has widely traveled in many countries to attend international seminars.

Presently she is serving Punjab government as a Cabinet minister holding the portfolio of education, civil aviation, vigilance and justice.

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