http://en.jybest.cn 2007-07-18 大 中 小
Speaking Test Part II
1. Customer Relations: the importance of making customers feel valued
2. Company growth: the importance to a company of controlling expansion
3. Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company
4. Time Management: the importance of planning work time effectively
5. Project Development: how to ensure inter-departmental co-operation on new projects
6. Purchasing: how to evaluate and select new products
7. Personnel Management: the importance to a company of having well motivated staff
8. Strategic Planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises
9. Sales: how to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately
10. Communication Skills: the importance of foreign language training for selected employees
11. Advertising: how to select a suitable agency to handle a company’s advertising
12. Finance: how to decide whether to float a company on the stock-market
13. Marketing: the importance to a company of offering its products on the world-wide web
14. Staff Training: how to evaluate the effectiveness of company training programmes
15. Company Growth: how to decide when it is the right time for a business to expand
16. Public Relations: the importance to a company of sponsoring well-known personalities from the arts and popular culture
17. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected
18. Information Management: how to analyse and make effective use of information
19. Sales: the importance of brand image in ensuring that products or services sell well
20. Technology: the importance to a company of keeping up-to-date with internet developments
21. Quality Control: how to ensure that a company consistently maintains quality control standards
22. Product Promotion: how to make effective use of the media when promoting a new product or service
23. Product Management: the importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects
24. Health and Safety: how to develop a responsible attitude among staff to the health and safety requirements of accompany
25. Technology: the importance of computer skills for the workplace of the future
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