http://en.jybest.cn 新东方 2014-12-11 大 中 小
From the picture given above, we can observe that there are two young men using different ways to show admiration towards their role model. By writing “Beckham” on his face, the man on the left picture expresses his intense enthusiasm for Beckham. Meanwhile, to make himself resemble his idol, the man on the right picture spends 300 RMB making a Beckham’s hairstyle.
The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that many adolescents admire their role models in an excessive and blind way. Quite a few reasons can account for this: for one thing, with the mass media spreading the positive image of superstars, young people can hardly resist the charm of them. They regard superstars as their examples and desire to be people like them. For another, youngsters’ craze for superstars can also be attributed to the influence of the force of“group dynamics” :when members of their social networks show great enthusiasm for some idols, young people are so easily influenced by their friends or classmates and then imitate the behavior they see. This could be a subtle form of peer pressure.
We cannot draw an absolute conclusion whether idol-worship is good or bad. Simply imitating role model’s dresses or behaviors, youngsters may lose themselves and it will definitely interfere with their personal life or studies. However,when learning idols’ diligence, spirit and ambitions, young people can transform their worship towards idols into the passion for life, the stimulus to success and the driving force of struggling. Hence, whether idol worship is positive or negative is up to youngsters themselves. (272 words)
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