http://en.jybest.cn 新东方 宁柏宇 2008-07-09 大 中 小
Mobile phones and the internet are very useful. However, it is rare for the old people to use them.
In what ways can mobile phones and the internet be useful to the old people?
What could be done to encourage the old people to use mobile phones and the internet?
Some people think that children should obey rules and do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Others believe that children controlled very much are not well-prepared for their adult lives. Discuss the both sides and offer your view.
Many people think that cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people the freedom to travel further. However, others think that this leads to environmental problem, and so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that university students should only study one specialized subject. Others think universities should encourage students to study a variety of subjects in addition to the one specialized subject. Discuss the both sides and give your opinion.
Some people think that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams achieve great success in sports. But others think that the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people suggest that schools should pay more attention to academic subjects for children because these subjects are useful for their future career. They think that subjects like music and sports are not useful and should be reduced. What is your opinion?
Children can learn efficiently by watching television. Children should watch television regularly both in school and at home. Do you agree or disagree?
Teachers used to be the source of information, but now students have access to wide sources of information. Some people think that there is no role for teachers in modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Figures show that some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of the population who are aged 15 or younger. What do you think the current and future effects of this may be for those countries?
Many working people are busy in working and have not enough time to spend with their families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects on family life and the society as a whole?
Long-distance air-travels waste more energy and produce more pollution than cars. Some people think we should restrict unnecessary air travels, such as travel, but not cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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