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雅思口语: 话题范例Tourist  小马过河    2015-09-18    




  1. Do you think there are different types of tourists?

  Yes, of course there are different types of tourists. There are people who are all out sightseeing fanatics. They must see everything, go everywhere, and taste every significant meal in a city. They believe they have to do it all, or they will miss out on something. These types of tourists are usually taking pictures of everything, and have a set plan on how they will attack a city. Then there are the more laid back tourists that travel in order to relax. They do not have to see everything; they just make the best of what time they have. They enjoy a more relaxing atmosphere away from all the pressures of work and home. These types of travelers do not plan out their vacation; they just take it.

  2. What kinds of places do Chinese people prefer to visit?

  In the past, Chinese were not allowed to do much travelling, unless they have a lot of money or connections. Now people from China are more free to go abroad, but most still choose to travel in China. For example, in the summer places with beaches are the hottest places to go. People go there to enjoy beautiful sunshine, to get a great tan, and to go surfing. During the winter Yunnan province is very popular, because all four seasons there the weather is like spring. Also since there are many Chinese minority groups located there, people can experience local customs.

  3. Besides natural scenery, what other things do tourists like to see or do?

  Many tourists like going to historical spots that gives a city or area significance in the world. It creates an interesting story to tell your loved ones when you return home. Many also like to eat exotic foods that they may not be able to get at home. Many like to go shopping so that can bring gifts back for their family and friends. Tourists usually like to buy unique and special gifts. They also like to buy things for themselves, so that they can remember the experience that they had.

  4. Most people think that natural scenery is more attractive than modern buildings. Why do you think they feel this way?

  Most people think that natural scenery is more attractive than modern buildings, because natural scenery is unique and is very relaxing. Modern buildings give the feeling of work not relaxation. The true reason we travel is to get away from the usual. Modern buildings can be seen at home. I believe that no man-made design can compare to that of Mother Nature. Modern buildings are also in the heart of a town with many people, who are busy with their everyday lives. When you go to a place in nature, where there are vitally no other people, you can get a true sense of peace and relaxation; you are truly away from the complexities of modern life. There are no worries in nature and no work needs to be done for things to exist. It is just there and so are you.










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