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2012年PETS5阅读理解每日一练1      2012-02-02    



  1. From this passage, we can learn that_______。
  [ A ] a robotic caterpillar can crawl by a pair of rubber rods
  [ B ] when a caterpillar moves, the magnetic field moves backwards along it
  [ C ] the environment couldn’t influence a robotic caterpillar’s guts, which are wrapped in a capsule
  [ D ] crawling is very stable and efficient, and when it moves, only a few elements are needed
  2. According to this passage, which is not true about the construction of the robotic caterpillar?
  [ A ] A robotic caterpillar is made from a series of rubber capsules tilled with a magnetic fluid.
  [ B ] Iron particles, water, and a detergent-like surfactant form a magnetic fluid.
  [ C ] Each capsule filled with a magnetic fluid is linked to the next by a pair of rubber rods.
  [ D ] In order to keep stable condition, the caterpillar’ s guts are wrapped in a clear, flexible polymer tube.
  3. The meaning of the word “peristalsis” in Paragraph 3 is similar to_______。
  [ A ] swimming
  [ B ] flying
  [ C ] crawling
  [ D ] walking
  4. Comparing the robotic caterpillar and the other robots, which of the following is not true?
  [ A ] A smooth surface is indispensable to biped robots and wheeled robots.
  [ B ] Flying robots are very inconvenient when moving, because they have too many moving parts.
  [ C ] The robotic caterpillar only has robber capsules filled with a magnetic fluid.
  [ D ] It’ s incapable for wheeled robots to locate trapped people because they are impossible to miniaturize.
  5. The passage is mainly about _______。
  [ A ] why a robotic caterpillar can find trapped people
  [ B ] how a robotic caterpillar works
  [ C ] the instruction of the magnetic caterpillar
  [ D ] how a robotic caterpillar crawls






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