http://en.jybest.cn 2013-01-15 大 中 小
1. Between WTO and GATT _______。
[ A ] WTO and GATT govern the international trade at the same time
[ B ] WTO is the pre-existence of GATT
[ C ] GATT is the pre-existence of WTO
[ D ] GATT is more effective than WTO in some aspects
2. According to this passage, under the WTO, _______。
[ A ] measures of anti-dumping and countervailing were solely used for protectionist reason
[ B ] it is still easy to protect domestic agricultural sectors from foreign competition
[ C ] people can enjoy better life
[ D ] members should reduce their tariff and non-tariffs on products
3. Which of the following is NOT true about the WTO?
[ A ] WTO has achieved liberalization of international trade in service.
[ B ] WTO ensures effective settlement of trade dispute.
[ C ] Under WTO, regulations concerning international trade can be more strongly enforced.
[ D ] WTO covers intellectual property rights.
4. It can be inferred from this passage that _______.
[ A ] under GATT some measures can not be effectively enforced
[ C ] it is not easy for a country to get absorbed by WTO
[ D ] WTO cannot change the structure of world economy totally
5. Which can be the best title for the passage?
[ A ] The Launching of WTO and GATT.
[ B ] The Influence on WTO.
[ C ] The Superiority of WTO over GATT.
[ D ] The Influence Caused by WTO.
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