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2011年12月PETS5作文预测范文3      2012-02-02    



  Some people claim that staying in a place all one’s life is good for one’s growth, while others disagree with the view, and they prefer changing the place. Write an article to express your point of view on this topic.
  One possible version:
  Do you prefer staying in a place all your fife?
  There is a widespread concern over whether it’ s a bad thing that people live in a place all their life. But it’ s well known that one man’ s meat is an-other man’ s poison.
  A majority of people think that staying in a place for a long time is a better choice. In their views there are two reasons contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, people who stay in one spot can develop a fife-time friendship, and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes. In the second place, when people move to different places, they usually are under pressure from strangeness. A person may feel lost and tense in a place where streets, stores and schools are all different. As a saying goes: Fear always springs from ignorance.
  People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that people shouldn’ t live in one place through their fives. In their point of view, on the one hand, people who spend a lifetime in one location can be locked into a limited way of life. A real problem is that life lacks passion. On the other hand, those who move frequently have a variety of outlooks. There is a chance to appreciate different ways 9f life.
  As far as I am concerned, I finally agree the view that people shouldn’ t stay in a place all their fives. It’ s not only because people can broaden their vision in different places, but also because fear will disappear with time. There is no doubt that nothing brave nothing has.





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