http://en.jybest.cn 教育部考试中心 2010-03-12 大 中 小
1. Greetings and introductions | Back-up Questions |
Assessor invites candidates in . Indicates chairs. | |
(to A+B) Good morning/afternoon. (to A+B) Can you give me your marksheets, please? (pass marksheets to assessor) (to A+B) I'm ..., and this is ... He/She will just listen to us. | |
(to A) Now, what's your name? ... Thank you. (to B) And your name? ... Thanks. | What's your name? |
2. Giving information about place of origin, occupation, studies | Back-up Questions |
Ask the following questions. Address B first. | |
(i) Where do you come from? / Where are you from? | Are you from ...? |
(ii) For adult candidates Are you a student or do you work here/there? What do you study/do? Do you like it? Why/Why not? | Do you study?/Are you a student? Do you work?/Have you got a job? What's your job? Do you like studying.../your job? Why do/don't you like it? |
(ii) For teenagers at school (or have just finished school) Which school are / were you in? What subjects do (did) you study? What subjects do (did) you like best? Why? Or What subjects are (were) you good at? Why? Or What subjects is (was) the most difficult? Why?Or What subjects do/don't (did / didn't) you like? Why? Or Do (Did) you like your school? Why do/don't (did/didn't) you like it? | What do you study? Do (Did) you study mathematics/ English? Do (Did) you like...? |
口试教师跟考生A 说:(把卡递给考生A) A, here is a card for you. Now, ask him/her five questions with the help of the card. Find out what he/she does on Sundays.口试教师跟考生B 说:(把卡递给考生B) Here is a card for you, B. Now, answer his/her questions according to what you do on Sundays. Or you can use what is there on your card to help you.
1. up?
2. morning?
3. lunch?
4. afternoon?
5. evening?
1. up?
2. morning?
3. lunch?
4. afternoon?
5. evening?
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