http://en.jybest.cn 中国教育在线 2013-03-23 大 中 小
Asis vividly depicted in the cartoon an elderly man has fallen over himself inthestreet. However the standers-by express their unwillingness to offer him anyhelpfor fear of getting involved in a trouble. Nowadays the issue has rekindledpublicdebate over the climate of morality and credibility. We cannot helpwondering the question:‘Is our society hostile to good people’The question maysound ridiculous but many people apparently think so. They believethat ourcurrent society provides a ‘bad environment’for good people doing goodthingsand good people pay a high price for being compassionate and feel sad about it.In my opinion while“social environment is necessary for people to havehighmoral standards and to be good to others each individual should try his orher best todo good things and be sympathetic with others instead of waiting forthe“environment to improve.”Therefore if help is needed do not hesitate tooffer ourhelping hands. Only by removing the fence around our kindconsciousness can wereverse an infinite regress of social ethics and make ourworld full of warmth andhappiness.
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