托福写作: 素材之伤不起的外来打工仔
http://en.jybest.cn 小马过河 2015-09-30 大 中 小
这篇文章是中国日报上的关于Migrant workers的报道,看了还是挺让人心酸的,2.7亿人,学历低,工资少,或者在流水线上或者在建筑工地上;但是我们还是要放下心酸将这篇报道残忍的用到托福写作当中,他们就是屌丝的典型代表,和土豪形成鲜明对比;而且通过这个简短的文章,我们也可以学习一下如何去写简单的数据以便使论证更加有说服力;
In a departure from their predecessors (表示对比的表达),a new generationof Chinese migrant workers is showing a greater preference for working in manufacturing rather than in the construction industry.
The 2013 National Migrant Worker Monitoring Survey (调查的名称), released by the National Bureau of Statistics (发布机构)on Monday (调查时间),reported a total of 269 million migrant workers in China at the end of 2013, a 2.4 percent year-on-year increase. Of these workers, 46.6 percent were born after 1980 (调查结果).
About 39 percent of the younger workers are employed in the manufacturing sector, while only 26.5 percent of older workers work in this industry. On the other hand, only 14.5 percent of the younger generation toils in the construction industry, less than half the number of the senior workers. (结果的对比)
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