http://en.jybest.cn 中国教育在线 2007-05-14 大 中 小
Britons trust politicians less than car salesmen: poll
Politicians are the least trusted people in Britain. |
The poll of 1,900 readers of Reader's Digest magazine showed that firefighters inspired trust in 97 percent of respondents, the highest rate of any profession, followed by pharmacists, pilots, nurses and doctors.
Faith in politicians, however, dropped from an already-low 15 percent in 2002 to seven percent in the latest poll. Eight percent of respondents said they trusted car salesmen.
It marks the first time in the survey's history that politicians have been the least-trusted profession.
Nearly three-quarters of Britons trust the police, compared with 64 percent in 2005, while taxi drivers saw their reputation drop eight percent in that period to 49 percent.
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