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福布斯年度“百位名人榜”出炉  中国日报网英语点津    2007-06-19    



Oprah tops Forbes' list of power players

This image made available by Forbes magazine, shows Johnny Depp and others on the cover of the 'Celebrity 100 Power List' issue of Forbes magazine.

  Oprah Winfrey continues to take over the world. The media mogul is back on top of Forbes' annual "Celebrity 100 Power List".

  Winfrey, who came in third last year, was the top money-maker with an income of $260 million over the past 12 months. She last topped the list in 2005.

  "The woman is making history every single year," said Lea Goldman, a Forbes associate editor who oversaw the list. "It's not as if she's sitting on her laurels ."

  Golf tycoon Tiger Woods, who pulled in $100 million, ranks second. Madonna, absent from the list last year, is No. 3. The pop star's "Confessions" world tour and her adoption of a baby boy in the African country of Malawi put her back in the spotlight.

  The Rolling Stones dropped from No. 2 to No. 4. Brad Pitt, who secured $35 million in earnings, ranks fifth - up 15 spots from last year - in part because of his status as one of the most talked-about celebrities in the world, Goldman said.

  Another handsome family man, Johnny Depp, placed sixth and was the year's highest-paid actor with his take of $92 million. Not bad for a pirate.

  Elton John, who earned a total of $53 million thanks to concerts and revenue from Broadway hits such as "The Lion King," ranks seventh. Tom Cruise - the world's No. 1 star last year - slipped to No. 8.

  Some guy named Steven Spielberg was No. 10.

  New to the "Celebrity 100": George Clooney (40), the cast of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" (12), Justin Timberlake (34), Keira Knightley (71), Bon Jovi (18), and Vince Vaughn (54), etc.







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