http://en.jybest.cn 中国日报网英语点津 2007-07-16 大 中 小
Great bathroom singer? TV wants you
An Indian television channel is looking out for good singers in the one place that has escaped the prying eyes of reality TV -- the bathroom. |
"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers.
"We are looking for a combination of voice and a certain flavor," said Shailesh Kapoor, Filmy's content and marketing head, said late on Wednesday.
Contestants, who have to be 18 years and above, will exercise their vocal cords in a studio set that replicates a bathroom with tiled walls, showers and taps, but will not appear undressed.
"As the show progresses, there will be specific themes and situations which ask for a certain kind of costume," Kapoor said.
It was not clear whether the competition would eventually require participants to sing under a running shower.
Auditions start later this month with the show set to go on air in late August.
Unlike the many youth-oriented reality shows that have become very popular on Indian channels, the creators of "Bathroom Singer" also hope to attract older contestants.
"Age is a huge barrier in other reality TV singing contests," said Kapoor.
"But we are not looking for a professional singer -- just someone very, very entertaining. That person can be a 50-year-old."
The winner of the show, determined jointly by a jury and the audience, will walk away with 2.5 million rupees ($62,000) in prize money.
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