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http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2008-10-14 大 中 小
European countries announce ambitious bank rescue plans
European countries have been actively taking measures to help their banks stay afloat through the financial crisis, with some of them already announcing huge bank rescue plans.
After 15 European nations' leaders met in France to draft a coordinated plan in the face of the credit crunch, the British government announced Monday that it plans to invest up to 37 billion pounds (about 64 billion U.S. dollars) in three British banks to deal with the current financial crisis.
British banks Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS and Lloyds TSB will participate in the government commercial investment, according to the Treasury.
The rescue plan made the British government the biggest shareholder in these banks. And the announcement was the first aspect of Britain's rescue package for banks, in which the government planned to inject 50 billion pounds (about 87 billion dollars) into financial institutions in return for shares, according to agencies.
Meanwhile, Germany is to inject 70 billion euros (about 95 billion dollars) into the banking system of the country this week as part of a rescue plan for the world's economic system, German news agency DPA reported Monday.
Germany's Finance Ministry would be authorized to use the funds to cover a liquidity injection for the banks and to take over tainted securities, DPA cited governmental sources as saying.
Up to 400 billion euros more (about 543 billion dollars) would be offered in government guarantees.
Germany will also set up a government fund that will inject money into the banks while accepting troubled assets from the banks as security.
At the same time, Spain is to allocate at most 100 billion euros (134 billion dollars) this year to guarantee the country's inter-bank loans, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said Monday.
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