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2012-12-12 来源:BBC中国网

Today's Topic : Fashion 时装

  • 1. Which of the following prepositions means that something is fashionable?

  • 2. If a piece of clothing is a bit big and loose on the body, which word would we use in English to describe it?

  • 3. When British people talk about 'high street fashion' – what do they mean?

    High street fashion shops
  • 4. Which of the following expressions does NOT mean to be really dressed up in very nice clothes?

    Victoria and David Beckham
  • 5. Which of the following is a common expression meaning 'fashionable'?

    An iPod
  • 6. Skinny jeans are fashionable in the UK at the moment – but what are they?

    A pair of jeans
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