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Celebrity Designers

2009-05-11 来源:BBC中国网

Celebrity Designers 明星时装

Clothes from Kate Moss' designer range for a popular clothes shop in the UK
Supermodel Kate Moss designed a range of clothes for a popular UK women's fashion shop

Programme Introduction 节目简介

The UK has become a nation obsessed with celebrity and now people are rushing out to buy the latest celebrity clothes ranges. What's it all about? Andrea Rose and Jean Dong find out.

英国人一向都对明星的生活非常感兴趣,最近英国人又追赶起了明星们的穿着打扮,争先恐后的买起了和明星衣服类似的时装。这到底是怎么一回事儿呢?来听听 Andrea Rose 和 Jean Dong 的介绍。

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