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2015-07-24 来源:BBC中国网

哈里王子已经服役十年了。在此期间,他曾两次在阿富汗当兵。现在他已做出了退役决定。但是对于他下一步将做什么人们尚不清楚。以下是 BBC 的 Peter Hunt 的报道:

It's no surprise that Prince Harry describes quitting the army as a really tough decision. He's cherished doing a job which he was given on merit, not because he's a prince. It's a job which, when he was in Afghanistan, included targeting and killing Taliban fighters.

Before he leaves, the fourth-in-line to the throne will spend a month working with the Australian Defence Force. Afterwards, he'll do voluntary work with a conservation project in Africa, and with disabled veterans back in the UK.

In the coming months, Prince Harry will have to decide how he occupies himself in the years to come, having rejected for now, the opportunity to become a full-time senior royal. As the 30-year-old prince puts it himself, he's at a crossroads.

Glossary 词汇表

cherished 珍视的

on merit 功劳

targeting 把…作为目标

fourth-in-line to the throne 排位第四的王位继承人

voluntary 志愿的

conservation 保护

disabled 残疾的

veterans 退伍军人,老兵

rejected 拒绝

opportunity 机会

senior royal 高级皇室成员

crossroads 十字路口

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