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2015-07-24 来源:BBC中国网

无国界医生组织警告说,因为很多救命的疫苗价格飞涨,从而使得一些国家无法对儿童进行免疫接种。该组织指责制药业对疫苗的要价过高并强调指出在经济发达的西方国家,很多疫苗的价格实际上要远低于经济落后的贫困国家。以下是 BBC Jonny Dymond 的报道:

Prohibitive is how Medecins Sans Frontieres describes the escalation in vaccine prices.

The group criticises the lack of competition in and openness about prices, pointing out that some developing countries pay more than France does for some vaccine.

In particular it takes aim at the high cost of pneumococcal vaccine; a treatment which it says has already earned blockbuster revenues for its two makers.

One of those, GlaxoSmithkline, said that any further cut in price would undermine the economics of production and threaten long-term supplies to poor countries.

Glossary 词汇表


escalation 升级,恶化

openness 公开化

blockbuster 了不起的、大笔的(收入)

undermine 削弱,损害

economics 经济

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