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Beckham's Italian Job

2009-03-10 来源:BBC中国网

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Beckham’s Italian Job 贝克汉姆留守AC米兰
David Beckham
Beckham has scored two goals for AC Milan in Serie A
The world’s most famous footballer has agreed a new deal with two clubs that will see him play part of the year in Europe and part of the year in the USA.

David Beckham will stay on loan to 暂借给 the Italian side AC Milan until the end of the season before returning to Los Angeles Galaxy in July under a "timeshare" 共享时间 deal in which he will play for both clubs.

The unique agreement was made after Beckham expressed his desire to stay on in Italy after his initial loan term expired 结束 on March 8.

Beckham will now go back to Los Angeles in July before returning to Milan in November for a season, missing half of this year’s Major League fixtures 美国职业足球联盟分组安排 in the process.

It is understood that he has agreed to a salary cut 减薪 in order to make sure the deal goes ahead.

How much?
 I won't cite any numbers, but I can say that the player has made an incredible economic commitment, paying a lot of money from his own pocket.
Adriano Galliani, AC Milan chairman

Milan had offered to buy the player outright 完全的 but the offer the Italians made to LA Galaxy was not deemed sufficient 认为不够的 by the Americans.

Adriano Galliani, the AC Milan chairman 主席, spoke of Beckham’s financial sacrifices 财政牺牲 in agreeing to the deal.

"A lot of players show their affection 感情,爱 just with words. David Beckham is one of the very few who has shown it with deeds 行为," Galliani told Italian television.

"I won't cite 引证 any numbers, but I can say that the player has made an incredible economic commitment 经济上的承诺, paying a lot of money from his own pocket," continued Galliani, underlining how Beckham had been willing to lose income to make the deal happen.

A question of priorities
 I've been able to help myself stay in Milan, if I can put it that way. It's never about money. It's always been about the football.
David Beckham, AC Milan, LA Galaxy

Beckham himself admitted that playing football at the highest level is more important to him than money.

"I've been able to help myself stay in Milan, if I can put it that way," said Beckham.

Beckham has made no secret of the fact that he believes he needs to play football in Europe if he is to earn a place in the England team for the 2010 World Cup.

"The obvious [reason for staying at Milan] is giving me the chance to play in the 2010 World Cup," said the 33-year-old midfielder 中场球员.

"Everyone knows how passionate 热情的 I am about playing for my country and, if it gives me a better chance of being involved in that squad, I'll do anything possible to make that happen," added Beckham.

Beckham’s long-term future is unclear, but for now he is in the unique position of being a member of two different clubs on either side of the world.

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