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In particular 特别是

2012-11-19 来源:BBC中国网

Audio: In particular 特别是

A Q & A of the Week programme about the word 'particularly' and 'in particular'.


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"Hello, Li. I'm Yao Liangliang. I have a question on the word 'particularly'; does it have another meaning in speaking English? I don't know when and how to use it. And when it comes to 'in particular', do they have the same meaning? Thanks for your answers."

Yao Liangliang

When you like something very much, then you can use the adverb 'particularly' or the phrase 'in particular'.

While the Chinese translation for both 'particularly' and 'in particular' is similar 特别,尤其, you need to pay particular attention to where you place them in a sentence.

Look at the following examples:

  • Li particularly likes Italian food.
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