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Cheers 表示“谢谢”的用法

2015-07-30 来源:BBC中国网

Q:Hi, this is Lucy, a student from Hong Kong. I was in the UK for an exchange programme. May I ask a question about the way people say 'thank you'? I usually hear people say 'cheers' instead of 'thank you' or 'thanks'. Are there any differences between 'cheers' and 'thanks'? Is 'cheers' less formal? And when do we use 'cheers' and when do we use 'thanks'? I am confused. Thank you very much!
Lucy (Hong Kong)

A: Cheers 是我们大家都很熟悉的一个单词。在喜庆的场合大家举杯庆祝的时候,都会齐声说“Cheers! 干杯!”。不过,在英国,如果你帮了别人忙,别人回你一句“Cheers!”,这里“cheers”的意思可不是“请你喝酒”,而是被用来表达“谢谢”的意思,这个说法给人一种亲切感。那什么时候可以用cheers 来替代thanks 或者thank you 呢?来听听节目,让你的英语更地道!

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