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Collide, crash and bump 用法比较

2015-07-30 来源:BBC中国网


Q:Hi, I would like to ask how to use collide, crash and bump. Are these three words different from one another? Thank you. 

Wong Wei Wen, Malaysia

A:英语单词 collide, crash and bump 既有相同点又有不同点。在翻译成汉语的时候它们都有“碰撞”的意思。大概也正是由于这一点难免让初学者拿不准到底在什么情况下使用 collide, crash 或 bump。比如以下这两句话里就有三个空格处,你能迅速决定填写哪个词吗?

A witness told BBC Wales that she saw two planes _________ and then _________ into the ground, followed by an explosion.

Ouch! I _________into the table again! It really hurts!


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