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Tenses Review

2011-04-14 来源:BBC中国网

Tenses Review 时态
从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6
1 : I __________ to Berlin in September 2009, two years ago.
have moved
had moved
was moving
The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
2 : He __________ Spain before he went to study at university in Barcelona. There were a lot of cultural differences to get used to.
didn't visit
hasn't visited
hadn't visited
wasn't visiting
A bull-fighter with a bull in Spain
3 : So far, I __________ all of my girlfriend's friends but not her parents. I wonder why.
am meeting
have been meeting
have met
A group of girls singing together
4 : For the past year, I __________ a flat with other people and trying to save money to open my own business.
have been sharing
had shared
am sharing
A purse with money in it
5 : We don't feel safe in our town at night because it __________ so dangerous. There's a mugging or robbery every week now.
has become
had become
A girl being mugged
6 : If I __________ enough for a deposit for a house, my parents will help me get a mortgage.
will have
would have
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