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Defining Relative Clauses

2011-05-30 来源:BBC中国网

Defining Relative Clauses 定语从句
从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6
1 : Divorce is an issue __________ often difficult to discuss.
which is
who is
all of the above
The profile of a woman and a man
2 : The world economy is a topic __________ at tomorrow's summit.
which being discussed
being discussed
All of the above
A poster of the London Summit 2009
3 : The students __________ are expected to pass.
who were taught by Professor Deacon
taught by Professor Deacon
Professor Deacon taught
All of the above
Students sitting for an exam
4 : The explosion __________ was reported on today's news.
that was caused by a gas leak
which was caused by a gas leak
caused by a gas leak
All of the above
An explosion on a street
5 : The art exhibition __________ attracted many people.
which held at the gallery
that held at the gallery
which was held at the gallery
All of the above
An art exhibition
6 : As a punishment, the trainee soldiers __________ were called to duty in the middle of the night.
which failed to run in the given time
who had failed to run in the given time
failed to run in the given time
All of the above
A soldier on a tank
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