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Conditional Expressions

2011-05-30 来源:BBC中国网

Conditional Expressions 表示条件的短语
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1 : __________ a sudden drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will be lowered automatically.
In an event of
In the event
In an event
In the event of
An airplane
2 : You are free to re-use this material, __________ you acknowledge the source.
provided that
as long
BBC Learning English website
3 : You can borrow my books __________ you return them tomorrow.
in condition
on condition of
on condition that
to condition that
A pile of books
4 : Maria is so unreliable! _________ she's late? What shall we do then?
What if
What as
A clock
5 : It's sunny at the moment, but I'll take an umbrella __________ it rains later.
just of case
just in case
just case
just a case
An umbrella
6 : I must tell him, __________ he'll be really upset.
other ways
other wise
An angry man
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