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Skinny Latte

2009-01-13 来源:BBC中国网

Skinny Latte 脱脂拿铁咖啡
What kind of coffee do you prefer?
Vicki: Hello and welcome to Real English, where you can find out about English words and expressions that might not be in your dictionary. I’m Vicki.

Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen。

Vicki: You know Helen, I could really do with a coffee. I’d love a skinny latte.

Helen: 你想喝什么?

Vicki: A skinny latte.

Helen: 是一种咖啡吗?

Vicki: Yes. Coffee shops in the UK are getting more and more like American ones, with lots of different choices of coffee. You could have a cappuccino.

Helen: 卡布奇诺咖啡。

Vicki: Or an espresso.

Helen: Espresso, 特别浓缩的咖啡。

Vicki: Or a latte – that’s a shot of strong espresso coffee with a whole cup of hot milk.

Helen: 听着可真香啊。

Vicki: Latte is actually the Italian word for milk. So caffe latte really means a milky coffee.

Helen: 那么 a skinny latte 又是什么意思呢?

Vicki: Well, because a latte has a lot of milk, it can be quite fattening, so people who are on a diet have it made with skimmed milk.

Helen: 因为拿铁咖啡一般是用全脂牛奶做的,那么热量很高,容易长胖,所以很多爱美人士就要求用脱脂牛奶来代替。

Vicki: And that’s a skinny latte.

Helen: Skinny 本意是形容人长得很瘦 – 那么喝脱脂咖啡就给人感觉像是在减肥。

Vicki: That’s right.

Helen: 还有什么有趣的咖啡名称吗?

Vicki: Well, in the summer-time you might have a cafe frappe. That’s an iced coffee.

Helen: 冰咖啡。

Vicki: And the coffee chain Starbucks sell frappucinos. They’re flavoured iced coffee drinks. They’ve made up that name by combining cappuccino with frappe.

Helen: A frappucino 加了其它调料的卡布奇诺咖啡。

Vicki: Well, now you know about all the different types of coffee you could order.

Helen: 是啊,咖啡品种可真是太多了。不过我们最初提到的那个品种是:

Vicki: A skinny latte.

Helen: 用脱脂牛奶冲出来的拿铁咖啡。

Vicki: Join us next time for more Real English. Bye.

Helen: 再见。

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