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2015-11-19 来源:BBC中国网


  A scream is often an instinctive action, with a strong psychological reaction to fear, pain, surprise, joy and anger. Edvard Munch's iconic artwork The Scream was sold on 2 May 2012 in a New York auction house for $120 million, making it one of the most expensive paintings ever auctioned. The price tag would have made most people scream!

  尖叫 scream 是人类受心理因素影响的本能反应。比如,在恐惧、疼痛、惊讶、高兴、生气时我们都可能会尖叫。艺术大师爱德华•蒙克的油画巨作《呐喊》于2012年5月2日在纽约的一家拍卖行成交。最后成交价为1.2亿美元,成为拍卖史上最昂贵的油画之一。这个价格标签足以让多数人尖叫!

  短语 scream one's head off 的意思是“长时间的大声狂叫”。


  In Edvard Munch's painting the figure is screaming his head off in despair.

  When my mother saw the mouse on the kitchen floor, she started screaming her head off!

  My friend's baby was screaming his head off in the restaurant. I think he was hungry.


  和短语 scream your head off 的使用方法相似,laugh your head off 的意思是“长时间的放声大笑”。


  I was laughing my head off while watching the film. That actor is so funny.

  Lucy likes Paul a lot. She's always laughing her head off when she's with him.

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