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2015-11-19 来源:BBC中国网

The lie of the land 的意思是“一个组织或机构的特定的运作方式”。常常用来表达新人初来乍到,面对生疏的学习或工作环境,尚待了解各方面的形势和路数。


  I only joined the company a few weeks ago. I haven't really figured out the lie of the land yet. I've no idea who I can trust or who the most important people actually are.

  It takes everyone a while to get to know the lie of the land when they start university. It's all new for everybody so it's bound to be a little confusing at first.


  如果说你 ''land'' a job,那么意思就是你成功获得一份公认的体面工作,而且这个职位往往竞争激烈,很难得到。


  Did you hear about Mike? He's just landed a job at Google.

  After I left university I was lucky enough to land a job with one of the top law firms in the country.

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