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2015-11-19 来源:BBC中国网

The official land-speed record measured is 763.035 miles per hour, set by Andy Green UK on 15 October 1997 in the Black Rock Desert.

  官方纪录的最高陆地驾驶速度是 763.035英里/小时(1227 .985公里/小时)。1997年10月15日,英国人安迪•格林在美国内华达洲的黑岩沙漠里创造了此纪录。我们可以用短语 as quick as a flash 来形容一个人做事情像闪电般一样快。


  John knew the answer so he put up his hand as quick as a flash.

  The customers are complaining. We need to get more food on the shelves as quick as a flash.


  另一个含有单词 flash 的短语 a flash in the pan 的意思是“昙花一现”。


  Our football team were champions last year, but that won’t happen again. It’s just a flash in the pan.

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