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今日短语:Hold your tongue 保持缄默

2015-09-30 来源:BBC中国网


  There is a history of ritual tongue piercing in both Aztec and Mayan cultures. There are illustrations of priests piercing their tongues and then either drawing blood or passing through rough cords designed to inflict pain.

  阿兹特克和玛雅文明里有给舌头穿孔的宗教仪式历史。有图记载显示祭司给人们的舌头穿孔然后使其流血,或把一条表面粗糙的绳子穿过舌孔以制造痛苦。如果有人让你 hold your tongue, 那意思就是让你闭嘴,别说了,尤其是在你说了不中听的话时。


  I'm going to have to hold my tongue because I keep saying what I think and people get upset!

  I had to tell Jane to hold her tongue; what she was saying didn't help us move forward in our planning meeting.


  短语 slip of the tongue 的意思是口误、失言。


  I meant to tell her she was fun not fat; it was just a slip of the tongue!

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