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  1. 住处周围的环境

  Neighbourhood Surrounding Environment Circumstance

  2. 房子空的(可以租到的)

  Available Vacant Unoccupied On lease

  3. 房东

  Landlord Landlady House/Property owner

  4. 最大值

  Maximum/up to

  5. 最小值

  Minimum/start from

  6. 取钱

  Draw Withdraw Cash

  7. 提前

  Ahead of time In advance Ahead of time

  8. 预订

  Book/Booking Reserve/Reservation

  9. 入口

  Entrance Access

  10. 期刊

  Periodical Journal

  11. 注册

  Enroll Register

  12. 补习班

  Seminar Workshop

  13. 包括

  Include Involve Include

  14. 初级的

  Basic Beginner Introductory

  15. 科目

  Subject Discipline

  16. 物种

  Species Breed

  17. 遗传

  Descend Inherit

  18. 孵化

  Hatch Incubate

  19. 驯化

  Domesticate Tame

  20. 部落

  Tribe Clan

  21. 肥沃的

  Rich Fertile

  22. 贫瘠的

  Barren Infertile Lean

  23. 优点

  n. Advantage Merit Virtue Edge Excellence Predominance

  adj. Superior Positive

  24. 缺点

  n. Weakness Drawback Shortcoming Flaw Vulnerability Demerit

  adj. Inferior Negative

  25. 重要

  adj. Important Significant Essential Crucial Vital

  n. Importance Significance

  26. 危险

  Danger Endanger Dangerous

  Hazard Hazardous

  Threat Threaten Threatening

  Jeopardy Jeopardize Jeopardous

  Risk Risky

  27. 种类

  n. Type Category Classification

  v. Sort Categorize Classify


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