As far as I am concerned... 在我看来……
As far as I know... 就我所知……
As for me... 至于我的观点……
From where I stand... 从我的立场看……
From my point of view 依我看……
In my view... 在我看来……
As I see it... 我认为……
To my knowledge... 就我所知……
To my way of thinking... 依我看……
To my mind... 我觉得……
To be perfectly honest... 老实说……
To be quite frank... 坦率地说
To tell you the truth... 实说话……
For my part... 对我来说……
In my opinion... 我的看法是……
Personally... 我个人的观点是……
I maintain(that)... 我认为……
I hold the opinion(that)... 我认为……
I’m of the opinion(that)... 我的意见是……
I’m convinced(that)... 我深信……
I consider... 我认为……
I’d like to point out(that)... 我想指出……
I feel I ought to say(that)... 我觉得我应该说……
I feel... 我认为……
I’d like to say... 我认为……
I would say... 我认为……
I should say... 我看……来自
I think that... 在我看来……
My position on this problem is(that)... 我对这个问题的态度是……
My view on it is as follows... 我的观点如下……
My view is that... 我是这么看的……
My point is... 我的看法是……
If you want my opinion... 如果你想知道我的观点……
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