http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2009-02-23 大 中 小
Tom Cruise to get "Lost for Words" with Zhang Ziyi
The stalled production of the Hollywood romantic comedy "Lost for Words" might get a jumpstart with the possible addition of Tom Cruise to the cast.
Universal Pictures, which is producing the film, reportedly invited the Hollywood star to step in as the lead to fill the vacancy left by British actor Hugh Grant, according to leading U.S. showbiz magazine "Variety."
Grant quit the project last October after a disagreement about the screenplay with Richard Curtis, his longtime partner in previous films and the producer of "Lost for Words." After Grant's departure, Zhang Ziyi, the lead actress in the film, returned to China to shoot another film.
According to media reports, Universal is currently contacting Tom Cruise on the contract.
"Lost for Words" is about a love triangle in which a Hollywood actor falls for his Chinese director after romancing her translator during their making of a film. Susanne Bier, the Danish filmmaker and former Oscar nominee, will direct the movie.
原定由章子怡和休·格兰特主演的好莱坞爱情喜剧《爱你在心口难开》(lost For Words)去年10月在开拍之初因男主角休·格兰特和制片人闹翻而停拍,章子怡转而返回国内筹备《菲常完美》。昨日(19日),这部差点难产的电影又焕发新生机,美国最大娱乐周刊《综艺》爆料,制片人已经找到更大牌的汤姆·克鲁斯取代休·格兰特和章子怡在戏中谈恋爱。
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