http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2009-02-23 大 中 小
Popularity of "Slumdog Millionaire" unexpected
Chris Dickens, who won the Oscar for film editing for "Slumdog Millionaire", said Sunday night that he did not foresee the film's popularity.
"It wouldn't have even occurred to us," he said backstage at the Kodak Theatre where the Award Ceremony was held. "I'd never imagined that we'd have so many of us getting these awards."
He said the challenge of editing "Slumdog Millionaire" was in paring the complex story down to a reasonable length.
"There were big challenges to sort of make it work cohesively," Dickens said of the tale of a young man recalling his life in a series of flashbacks. "So many different images, so many different storylines going on. The challenge was to get it to fit together really neatly."
"Slumdog Millionaire" ended the night with eight awards, including best picture for producer Christian Colson and best director for Danny Boyle.
这部影片改编自印度外交官史威鲁普(Vikas Swarup)畅销小说,剧情描述一名孟买的贫穷侍者参加益智问答节目,希望透过赢得巨额奖金来吸引心仪对象的注意,结果却因被疑作弊而遭监禁。
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