http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语网 2009-04-17 大 中 小
Simon Cowell再次表示他将在明年第九季《美国偶像》结束之后退出这档热门真人秀节目。两年之前他就有说第九季之后金盆洗手,届时也正是合约到期之时。
Simon Cowell has again suggested he’ll leave American Idol after the conclusion of its ninth season next year. Two years ago, he said he also said he’d quit after season nine, which is when his contract expires。
His latest comment comes in an interview promoting the third season of Britain’s Got Talent, which debuted Saturday and produced this amazing, must-watch audition, during which he talked about the TV shows he’s on。
“Most people do one show a year and I do three. It just so happens that one is in America and two are in England and they do involve a lot of travelling. One may have to go. I don’t know how to decide which one. That is the problem, I like all of them,” he told the Telegraph。
Then he got specific, saying, “I can’t imagine not doing Britain’s Got Talent and I can’t imagine not doing X Factor. But I guess America is more likely to go because I have got one year under contract. Maybe that will be the end。”
Of course, all of that is a lot of hedging with “may”s and “maybe”s. And he is paid $45 million a year for Idol, which could be enough to convince anyone to stick around。
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