http://en.jybest.cn 爱思英语 佚名 2015-07-31 大 中 小
When The Fast and the Furious debuted in 2001, few expected that it would evolve into a successful franchise — much less one that would last 12 years and produce five sequels (and counting). Fast & Furious 6 arrives in theaters with enormously high expectations. So far, it seems like Justin Lin’s sixth installment is a notch above the previous films in the series.
As Peter Suderman notes in The Washington Times, “The Fast and Furious films offer a rare, possibly unique, example of a franchise that takes six installments to truly find itself. Fast & Furious 6 takes everything that Fast Five (2011) did right, and then does it more: It’s louder, funnier, bigger — more exciting, more over the top, and more delightfully absurd.”
If you’ve seen any of the Fast and Furious films, you’ll at least remember the endless car chases, stunts and fights. In the sixth installment, again, the action takes an important role.
“Here’s a movie that could easily have been dialogue-free. And probably would have been better for it,” Claudia Puig writes in a review for USA Today. “But the volume is a key element, especially for those who find the sound of revved-up engines evocative.”
For such an action-packed film, do the actors and their characters matter at all?
Of course. When the craziness slows down and people actually talk, the theme of family is constantly underlined. “While Vin Diesel and Paul Walker have a fairly limited skill set as actors, they are put to good use here,” Alonso Duralde, a film critic for TheWrap.com, writes in his review. “Six movies in, they’ve definitely established themselves and their co-stars as a cohesive unit.”
A movie like Fast & Furious 6 is often considered to be “a big, dumb action film”. But 12 years on, the fact that the series keeps delivering an electrifying and explosive experience deserves some credit.
Betsy Sharkey from the Los Angeles Times finds the best way to summarize the Fast & Furious 6 experience: “The movie doesn’t know when or how to put the brakes on. It does, however, understand precisely what it is. No pretensions to greatness, it demonstrates total dedication to ‘badassness’, which I believe is the technical term.”
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