http://en.jybest.cn 互联网 佚名 2015-09-24 大 中 小
Taking its title from the South American term for drug dealers, Narcos reveals how Escobar fueled
But the series does more than just
Narcos portrays all the people entangled in Escobar’s larger-than-life story, on both sides of the law and around the globe, according to The Hollywood Reporter.《好莱坞报道》杂志称该剧描绘了所有卷入埃斯科巴传奇故事中的人,他们遍布全球,有正义的侠士也有邪恶的坏蛋。
That also adds to the storyline’s complexity. “The lines between heroes and villains become somewhat blurred,” Movie Pilot reported.这也让故事情节错综复杂。电影推荐网站Movie Pilot说该剧中“英雄和罪犯的界限有些模糊。”
Escobar called himself the “Colombian Robin Hood”, and the series depicts him helping the poor. Meanwhile, the Drug Enforcement Administration is shown to occasionally overstep the boundaries of law and morality in order to nail the drug dealers.埃斯科巴自称“哥伦比亚的罗宾汉”,电视剧里也有他帮助穷人的情节。同时,美国禁毒署为了抓住毒贩有时则会逾越法律和道德的边界。
It’s nerve-wracking to watch the games that law enforcement and drug dealers play with each other. But as unbelievable as these scenarios seem, the audience has to keep in mind that the series is based on real stories.看执法部门和毒贩之间的猫鼠游戏让人心惊胆战。不过观众看剧的时候很难不去想,这些难以置信的情节是由真实故事改编而来。
In fact, Narcos interweaves fictionalized drama with actual archival footage. That gives it “the educational feel of a documentary,” wrote The Telegraph.事实上,《毒枭》是虚构情节同真实影像资料的融合。这也让该剧有了“纪录片式的教育意义”,英国《每日电讯报》写到。
However, The Hollywood Reporter says the series “embraced history a little too tightly”. For its first episode, Narcos shows what the US looked like during the Cold War. Too often, Narcos feels like “it’s narrating a book, not a movie”, the Reporter wrote.然而《好莱坞报道》则认为《毒枭》有点太写实了。电视的第一集描绘了冷战中美国的光景。《好莱坞报道》还说《毒枭》常常会给人“在看有声书而不是影片”的感觉。
But The Wrap praised Brazilian actor Wagner Moura, who plays Escobar, for making the series
娱乐新闻网The Wrap则盛赞巴西演员瓦格纳•马拉,他饰演的埃斯科巴让观众觉得该剧平和且真实。
He piled on 40 pounds (about 18 kg) and moved to Escobar’s hometown of Medellin, Colombia, to learn Spanish and to better understand the drug lord.为了演好这个角色,瓦格纳•马拉增重40镑(约18公斤),还专门搬到了埃斯科巴的家乡——哥伦比亚麦德林市,在那学习西班牙语并更好地了解这位毒品之王。
The Wrap网站评论道:“故事惊险却不浮夸,马拉真实且细腻地拿捏好了一个为了金钱、权力不择手段,为了巩固财势患得患失的人”。
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