中国军人长眠印度 利多中国军人墓 中国网 2009-02-24 大 中 小
Chinese warriors lie in an Indian memorial park
In a martyrs' memorial park located in eastern India, some 1000 Chinese officers and soldiers lie entombed. In the cemetery, covering around 600 square meters, repose more than 200 sepulchers of warriors, from the ranks of private to major-general.
Buried in the park are casualties of the Chinese expeditionary army sent to Burma (now known as Myanmar) to aid the British against Japan's invasion during World War II. The Chinese army's position in the united international anti-fascist front was substantially enhanced due to their effective conduct of the internal war against Japanese aggression.
The memorial park, once concealed among desolate briers and long grass, was renovated in the 1980s with funds raised by local Chinese.
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