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美国六胞胎照片走红 受邀上电视改变境遇    环球时报  2011-02-28    



  Oprah offers a family of sextuplets $250,000 present

  Oprah Winfrey gave the McGhee family and their miracle sextuplets $250,000 credit as well as a honeymoon in Las Vegas on February 22 - despite the fact the couple got married 11 years ago.

  The McGhee and their sextuplets appeared on the show on February 22 after they became an internet sensation when Mia posted a family photo on her Facebook page.

  As well as millions of other people all over the world, it attracted the attention of Oprah who thought: "I love that picture, I have to meet them."

  On the show, the couple told the chat-show queen how difficult and expensive it is raising the six babies and revealed they go through 50 diapers and 30 bottles a day.

  As well as the credit at Walmart , the couple also met Celine Dion who told them about the four-night honeymoon at Caesar's Palace and front row seats at her concert.

  The couple said, as well as missing out on a honeymoon, they had not had a holiday in their 11 years of marriage.

  They fought back tears and were clearly overwhelmed by the generosity of the chat-show host.






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