http://en.jybest.cn 2013-08-08 大 中 小
Kaley Cuoco is playing for love. The "Big Bang Theory" actress was spotted on Friday and Saturday with tennis player Ryan Sweeting, Us Weekly reports。
On Aug. 2 the pair reportedly supported each other's sports as Cuoco cheered on Sweeting during a match in Sherman Oaks, Calif. Later that day the 26-year-old tennis player watched his lady show off her equestrian skills in Moorpark。
They were spotted together again Saturday at Marmalade Café in Sherman Oaks for a casual lunch. Cuoco seems to have bounced back nicely from her short-lived romance with actor Henry Cavill, which ended in July. Before that she was dating musician Bret Bollinger. But now, Cuoco has scored the winning point as she dates Nassau, Bahamas-born Sweeting who now calls Ft. Lauderdale his home。
Sweeting played in the US Open in 2006 and won his first ATP World Tour singles title at the US Men's Clay Court Championships in 2011.
The actress took to Twitter on Saturday to abolish any talk of vying for media attention with her new romance. "Those of you who think I'm 'paying paparazzi' to follow me around are poorly mistaken," she wrote. "I feel sorry for your ignorance and obvious boredom."
在《生活大爆炸》中被众星捧月般对待的女神 Penny 最近又结新欢。与《暮光之城》演员 Henry Cavill 的短暂罗曼史,似乎并未给Penny 带来什么阴影。他的这位新男友是网坛红人 Ryan Sweeting。8月2号,Penny 还前往谢尔曼奥克斯,为男友加油鼓劲儿,而比赛之后,Ryan 也贴心地前去穆尔帕克观看Penny 表演马术。
上周六,这对情侣又被拍到在谢尔曼奥克斯的一家餐厅里吃午餐。有人说 Penny 在借新恋情炒作,对此,Penny 在推特上回应说:“那些认为是我买通狗仔队来跟拍我的人,你们大错特错了。我为你们的无知和无聊感到难过。”不论如何,我们还是祝福这对新恋人,能够长长久久吧!
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