Students like to complain about their schools, butsome of them have every right to. Have a look atthese ridiculous school policies.
Lower Merion School District in Pennsylvania issued 2,300 MacBooks to students in 2010 for useat home. That seems like a great deal for the students, until you learn that the laptops includedbuilt-in iSight webcams that school authorities remotely turned on to monitor students.
Sophomore Blake Robbins was disciplined for eating at home (the school claimed he wastaking pills, though he was actually eating Mike and Ike candy), something the school haddiscovered by watching through his webcam. He and past student Jalil Hasan sued the school,which had taken 469 photos of Robbins and 543 of Hasan. In total, thousands of photos andscreenshots were taken, and the lawsuit alleged that Carol Cafiero, an administrator at theschool—accused of being a voyeur—had been downloading them to her own computer. Shewas placed on paid leave after invoking her Fifth Amendment rights and refusing to answer anyquestions, including one asking if she had downloaded pictures of naked students. According tothe lawsuit, she said "I know, I love it!" in reply to an email that said the secret photos werelike a soap opera. The school had also recorded the students' emails and search histories.Some of the photos taken had students sleeping or partially undressed. To settle the suit, theschool paid $610,000, including damages to the students and legal fees.
Lane was a Thai Buddhist student enrolled in Negreet High School, Louisiana. This public schoolsaw no problem in harassing him for his faith and ignoring the First Amendment's EstablishmentClause in forcing Christianity on him.
Science teacher Rita Roark, a fundamentalist Christian, taught Young-Earth Creationism andsaid Buddhism was "stupid." The following was a typical question from her science tests:"ISN'TIT AMAZING WHAT THE XX HAS MADE!" She expected "Lord" as the answer. C.C. answered"Lord Buddha" but was marked wrong, and Roark bullied him for the answer. She also taughtthat evolution was impossible, calling it a "stupid theory made up by stupid people who don'twant to believe in God." C.C.'s parents' complaints fell on deaf ears, with Sabine ParishSuperintendent Sara Ebarb telling them they were in the Bible belt. She then offered totransfer C.C. to a school with "more Asians." The school also distributed pamphletscondemning alcohol, homosexuality, contraception, and witchcraft, among other things.
Skye Wyatt was a junior in the Kilgore School District in Texas in 2009. Her two softball coachescalled an unscheduled practice off of school grounds one day, and when she showed up, the restof the team was dismissed. The coaches then locked her into an empty locker room andconfronted her, accusing her of being a lesbian in a relationship with another girl.
Though this was true, she denied it, as was her right. The coaches got angry, threatened to sueher, and called her mother. Barbara Wyatt arrived to the field 40 minutes later, and thecoaches outed Skye to her. Thankfully, Barbara was supportive of her daughter, and she filedcomplaints with the school board against the coaches. But the school stood by them, so Barbarahelped Skye file a suit claiming a privacy violation. The school settled out of court inFebruary 2014 for $77,500. Chillingly, they maintained that the coaches had done nothingwrong and that settling the suit this way was a purely business decision. The school said thatno policies will change as a result of the settlement.
An 11-year-old viola player in Pennsylvania's Solanco School District was on her way toorchestra rehearsal in 2011 when her principal told her she'd been removed from orchestraand choir. She was forbidden to do any extracurricular activities, athletic or academic,because her parents refused to consent to her taking a drug test. The girl was a top mathstudent who'd been invited to compete on the school's MathCounts Team, but she couldn't joinwithout doing a drug test.
Based on state precedent, schools can mandate drug tests of individual students, evenwithout any suspicion, but only if they can demonstrate a pervasive school-wide drugproblem. The year the policy began, only two out of 1,000 tested students came up positive formarijuana—certainly not enough to show that a drug problem was rampant. The ACLU sued onbehalf of her and her parents Christopher and Mika McDougall, but the case was dropped aftershe transferred to another school. After the suit was filed, the school changed its policy tomandate drug testing only for students participating in athletic activities or who could drive.
6.Sharing Students' Bikini Photos
When Chelsea Chaney was 17, she posted a picture of herself in a bikini beside a cardboardcutout of Snoop Dogg (of all things) to Facebook to be seen by her friends. An administrator atFayette County Schools then displayed it in front of hundreds of students and parents,supposedly to warn against the dangers of posting photos online. The slide was titled "Once it'sthere, it's there to stay."
Chelsea hadn't given permission for the photo to be used. It came as a horrible shock. Theslide further falsely implied that she'd been abusing alcohol at the time. The school said thephoto was randomly chosen, but Chelsea considers this unlikely, as you'd have to dig throughher Facebook profile to find it. She ended up suing the school for $2 million in 2013.