Passengers on Moscow's underground system cannow access a toilet for the first time - but only at onestation.
The single "bio toilet" has been installed on aplatform at Prospekt Mira metro station, about 3km(1.8 miles) north of Red Square, and is free to use,the Tass news agency reports. Passengers accessthe new loo using their travel cards, and the cubiclehas sensors to alert people if they leave anypossessions behind. There's also an alarm which sounds if someone has been inside more than15 minutes, the report says.
The city's huge metro system serves about seven million people per day across 196 stations,and travellers have long called for toilets to be installed. Above-ground public facilities in theRussian capital are few and far between, often dirty and usually charge a fee.
The new toilet is being billed as environmentally friendly and metro officials say other travellerswon't be troubled by any leaks or smells. "It's a self-contained unit that doesn't needconnection to sewage or water mains," says Ivan Ostashko, the metro's public relations chief.Whether this is the beginning of an underground toilet revolution isn't yet clear - the ProspektMira cubicle is just a pilot. "We'll study the results of this trial and decide whether to installtoilets at other stations," Mr Ostashko says.
这间新建的厕所被宣传为环境友好型的厕所,地铁系统的官员称其他乘客不会受到任何厕所泄漏物或气味的影响。地铁公共关系主任伊万·奥斯塔申科表示:“这是一间自成一体的卫生间,不需要外连到排污或下水管道。” 该举措是否为莫斯科地铁卫生间改革的开端,还尚不明确——和平大道地铁站的卫生间只是一个试点。奥斯塔申科说:“我们将对此次试点结果进行研究,再决定是否于其他地铁站也设立卫生间。”