http://en.jybest.cn 中国日报网英语点津 Annabel;吴昭文 2008-09-10 大 中 小
Question: What's the best way to get a job when you don't have all the experience or background a company is seeking?
Answer: For many job seekers, a simple job-description statement is the kiss of death: "Three years of relevant experience required."
If you want to change careers, you feel doomed by the frustration of not having the relevant experience. If you happen to be a student or recent graduate, it's a catch-22. How are you supposed to get experience when you don't have the experience to get a job?
When faced with this conundrum, there are three things to keep in mind as you go about the job search.
1. Focus on transferable skills. 关注“可转换的”技能
Transferable skills are your secret weapon. They often get overlooked, but they can be your best ally. When you are applying for a new job you must make yourself as "hirable" as possible to the recruiting director reviewing your resume. When you are listing your bullet points beneath each job title, really focus on what that recruiting director wants to see (without lying, of course).
Let's say you worked in marketing, but you want to move into finance. When you craft your finance resume, move all of the bullet points to the top that have anything to do with finance. Even though it may not have been your biggest accomplishment, your very first bullet point might say something like: Managed $300,000 annual budget consistently exceeding company's forecasting objectives.
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