http://en.jybest.cn 2009-01-04 大 中 小
找工作可不光是投简历和面试。There are many more details about you that weigh into an employer's decision to show you the money or show you the door. In fact, whether it is conscious or subconscious, a potential employer begins sizing you up(开始评价你) at your very first point of contact, be it via e-mail, telephone or in person. 这就是为什么你要对找工作的整个过程都要小心谨慎的原因。Remember you are selling a very important product: You.
找工作在某种程度上和推销差不多。You need to convince an employer that you have a product that is better than the others, worth the money and will pay off in the long run. That's why it is crucial to market yourself every step of the way. For a job seeker, this means that everything about you plays a role in building your professional image, from your first contact to the final handshake sealing the deal.
1. Make your first contact count.
第一印象只有一次。This means that the casual e-mail you are sending to ask for more information is not really casual at all. It's actually the start of your audition(试听;试唱;试演). Every contact you make with the company, including e-mail and voice mail, is a chance to let your professionalism shine.
2. Make sure you are always "on."
你永远不会知道什么时候你就会有推销自己的机会,买报纸、逛杂货店的时候都有可能。Will you sound like an enthusiastic, motivated professional when you get a phone call from a prospective employer early in the morning? Will you make a good impression if you run into an influential person at the coffee shop? Don't run the risk of marring your reputation by turning off your professionalism.
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