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客服人员个人简历(1)  沪江英语  佚名  2015-08-03    



Anny Smith

D-90, 25th Street

Clewiston, FL, 0510

Cell: (123) 459 9784


Career Profile:

To get a position as a Customer Care Officer where my skills of handling customers will be utilized for the growth and development of the organization.

Professional strengths:

Possess seven years of experience in customer service

In-depth knowledge of basic operating systems

Flexible, attention to detail and ability to learn quickly

Possess excellent listening and responding skills

Ability to handle multiple tasks and solve customer queries efficiently

Possess good sales and customer service skills

Excellent administrative and organizational skills

Ability to maintain basic knowledge of products, pricing, promotions, procedures, and other important issues

Highly initiative to manage a busy workload without close supervision

Ability to build and maintain good relationship with customer

Educational Summary and Certifications:

Bachelor's degree in English from Daffodils Arts College in the year 19XX

Master's degree in English Language from university of XYZ in the year 19XX

Certification course in Communication skills from soft skills training center in the year 19XX

Professional Experience:

ABC Business Center Inc, State

20XX till date

Customer Care Officer

Responsible for dealing with customer relevant queries, complaints and request for information on products and services

Assigned the tasks of recording all communications between various parties

Handled the tasks of drafting documents as requested by Customer Care Manager

Prepared daily, weekly and monthly statistical reports

Responsible for generating ideas on ways to resolve problems and serve customers in a better way

Confirmed customer understanding of the solution and provided extra customer education as required

Techno Global Center Co Inc, State

20XX till date

Customer Care Officer

Assigned the tasks of processing customer orders as well as provides details about the products and services to customers

Handled the responsibilities of designing activities to improve business performance and customer satisfaction

Conducted needs-based selling by using non-scripted probing techniques to find customer requirements

Communicates effectively with teams in the program to ensure quality and timely expedition of customer requests

Handled the tasks of preparing customer correspondence and updating customer files

Assigned the tasks of responding to customer queries and concerns regarding product and services of the organization

Areas of Interest:

To apply my comprehensive customer service skills to meet the goals and objectives of the organization

To increase the sales and service of the organization by applying my excellent negotiation and customer service skills

Personal Details:

Name: Anny Smith

Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX

Employment Status: Full time

Relationship status: Married


Mr. Charlie Smith

Senior Customer Care Officer

Lopez Associates Co Inc, State

Cell: 123-589-3655







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