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英文背诵:把爱给你一个人  竞学网    2007-02-09    



I Give My Love to You Only

  I want
  to live and love with you
  and be one forever;
  to be near you so I can
  reach out and touch you;
  to make love with you,
  talk with you,
  and be silent with you;
  to hold you close every night
  and wake up with you
  each morning.

  I want
  to share my secrets with you
  and be honest with you;
  to understand and respect you,
  accepting you as you are.

  I want
  to find shelter in you
  when I am afraid
  and hold you when I need warmth;
  to be with you through all seasons,
  walking with you in the sunshine
  and cuddling with you in the cold.


Noteshelter n. 掩蔽,庇护所   cuddle v. 拥抱   care for 照顾,照料
  I want
  to care for you when you are ill
  and be joyful with you when you
  are happy;
  to grow old with you
  and be with you until
  the end of time.

  I want all these things
  with you only.
  I would do all these things
  for you only.
  To you only, I give all my love.

  — Jacqueline Faye Sanderson-Mixon






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