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http://en.jybest.cn 北外网院博客 2009-07-24 大 中 小
Anyone finding it hard to cope with the credit crunch will find little sympathy from teacher Kath Kelly.
When Kath Kelly complained to friends in the pub she was so broke she couldn't afford a wedding present for her brother, she decided to take drastic action.
She made a bet that she could defy the credit crunch and live on just one pound a day for a year.
After paying her landlord 3,000 pounds in advance for rent and bills, the teacher from Bristol radically changed her way of life.
With her rent paid for the year, her budget had to cover transport, food, clothes and socialising.
She visited book launches and lectures that had free buffets and scoured supermarkets for discounted food close to its sell-by date.
"I went to the public lectures at Bristol University that had a buffet afterwards, and I went to the library's 100th birthday where they had a buffet as well."
She ditched her mobile phone and cycled to friends' houses if she wanted to speak to them, leaving a note if they were out.
Out went her mobile phone and clothes shopping, replaced by trips to jumble sales and foraging for berries in hedgerows.
Kelly says one of her best tips is to hand out small gifts where you can--what you receive in return will usually be of a greater value.
Her trip to France came when she decided to visit her brother, who was restoring a house in Brittany.
"I hitchhiked to the Channel Tunnel, got a free ride as the passenger of a French woman and hitched to Brittany," she said.
"On the way back I travelled on the ferry with a lorry driver, and even had dinner at the drivers' canteen."
By walking more and keeping her eyes on the ground, she even picked up 117 pounds in loose change.
She had also formed a relationship with 38-year-old Bruce Taylor, manager of the farm where she worked as a holiday volunteer.
The couple now live together in Bruton, Somerset, and Kelly has written a book about her year of living frugally--How I Lived On Just A Pound A Day, published by Redcliffe at £6.99.
She now grows her own fruit and veg, and says the experiment has changed her outlook.
"I'm a lot more sensible with my money now and live a completely different lifestyle."
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