http://en.jybest.cn 2008-08-22 大 中 小
Volcano Kouhu (Crater Lake), the deepest lake in the United States. Located in southwestern Oregon, South Cascade range. Glaciers covered by the ancient volcanic cone Mazha Ma volcanic eruption in the late Pleistocene when the broken crater formed by weathering and erosion from water after the expansion. A circular, 10 km in diameter, covering 54 square kilometres. Lake 1,882 meters above sea level. The greatest depth of 589 meters. Small changes in the lake, the water clear, dark blue. Several times because of volcanic eruption, a number of volcanic cones, some of the exposed lake is a small island. Wei Zhade as the largest island, 213 meters above the water surface, at the top of a crater. Lake weeks for the 150 to 600 meters high lava cliffs, the rocks after weathering a variety of shapes, and the Great Lakes region-song, lush forest, full of wild flowers in summer, beautiful scenery, in 1902 turned into national parks, deer, bear, Eagles, owls and other wild animals. Fish in the lake.
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