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在线练习——综合C补全短文      2007-01-18    



  Bus Travel Now and Then

  Nobody, except perhaps little children, considers a journey in a bus as exciting experience. Although there are thousands of cars on the roads, more people travel by bus than by car. __1__. For cities without other public transport services, if all the buses were to stop running for a day, work would come to a standstill in hundreds of offices and factories and most classrooms would be deserted.
  __2__. To get the driver to stop at a bus-stop, a passenger has merely to push a button, which rings a bell placed near the driver. The bus schedule for the city is well planned, and seldom does one have to wait very long to catch a bus. one can go from almost any part of the city to another by bus.
  __3__. Often the buses are filled to capacity, especially during the rush-hours, and then one may have to wait longer than usual at a bus stop for a bus with space for more passengers. __4__. This can be quite uncomfortable and even a little dangerous, as one may be jerked off one's feet if the bus stops or starts suddenly.
  __5__. The situation was quite different a generation or two ago. In the early 1830's buses were much smaller than they are now. They did not run to a proper timetable. To catch a bus one stood at a bus-stop (many roads did not even have bus-stops), and took one's chance. Buses took in as many passengers as could squeeze in. Passengers sat on benches placed on either side of the bus, facing each other.

  A. Bus travel nowadays is no better than before.
  B. Of course, there are drawbacks in the bus travel.
  C. If one gets into a crowded bus, one may have to remain standing throughout the journey holding on to a leather strap.
  D. Workers rushing to their offices or factories, children hurrying to school, housewives going shopping, use buses.
  E. Buses today are large and have comfortable seat, mostly facing the front.
  F. In spite of the inconveniences, we should be grateful for the advantages of bus travel today.


  Bus Travel Now and Then
  1. D.  D在句意上与空格前句衔接: 前句提到“更多的人乘坐bus”,D提到“具体是那些人乘坐bus”。
  2. E. E在句意上与空格后句衔接:空格后句提到“乘客如何使汽车停下”,E也是具体提到有关bus的细节问题。该题也可以用排除法来处理:空格后句的内容体现了bus的方便,因此排除了A,也排除B(有关bus的不好的方面),空格后句并没有提到“拥挤的bus”,所以排除C,而F的出现在逻辑上与前段的内容不符合(前段并没有提到bus的不方便),所以只有E是答案。
  3. B. 该段提到的内容都与bus的不好的方面有关,所以选择B。
  4. C. 空格后句中的uncomfortable与C的内容呼应。
  5. F. 该段的内容都在讲述bus在过去带给人们的不便,所以F在这里起承上启下的作用。







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